——————————————Hardware Chains——————————————

Professional Hardware Chains Manufacturer in China

Kailipu is a top hardware chain supplier and exporter in China. And we supply various kinds of hardware chains. Among them, the Grade 30 proof coil chain, and Grade 43 high test chains, DIN5685A/C are the most representative.

Hardware chain is a kind of carbon steel link chain, the surface is usually electro-galvanized. They are used for non-hoisting purposes such as towing, bundling, transportation, agriculture, etc.

We have a full set of chain production equipment, which can produce various standard types. Meanwhile, we can also do custom production. If you are looking for professional rigging and hardware chains manufacturer, do not hesitate to contact us. We’ll Help Your Hardware Chains and rigging Business Succeed.

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Grade 30 is commonly known as a Proof Coil chain or Common Coil chain. Although the materil is low-strength carbon steel, it still quite malleable and rust resistant. But they are not as strong as other types of alloys.

Furthermore, we usually use Grade 30 Proof Coil chain for binding or tie down chains, tow chains and logging, etc.

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